Message In A Bottle - Edition # 9 - Page 1

Message In A Bottle - Edition # 9 - Page 1

Postby Argo » Fri Apr 07, 2023 12:02 am


Ahoy ye scallies and wenches... Where be yer treasure? All dem shiny gold coins? I gots me cutlass... Ill be usin it I tell ye!!
I hope yer year so far is doin' ye well an ye have lots of coin and treasures happening in yer miserable piratey lives that I may happen to raid er reign upon them an' be .... !!

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Im just changing hats ..
Welcome to April 2023's MIABs 9th edition. Thanks for settling in with a goodly drop of rum and a soft place to lay yer a**** for a while and have a bit o a read.
We have to thank our guests this month .. Miz and Dejanira. Miz's interview was done wel before she put that purty navy blue flag on the map of Avonmora and became Queen of Everywhere. Congrats on your extraordinary success and rapid rise to the Queenly/lotsaports thingy.. Nice.
(Mehtinks there be clues to Miz's intentions hidden in our interview way back then ... but what would I know?? What do ye think?)
Again lots of activity around Avonmora then nothing. Then a wee burst. Then nothing.

More and more sailors are making their way to land to retire in their plush plantations and fired up workshops giving away the seas and the battles that stain the waters.
I mean who wants to fight bloody wars at sea when there is soft cotton kapok and silks on which to lay your weary head every night and .. a warm bed and a belly full of good food as well ? ...

[color=#4000BF]Who would prefer being cold and damp all the time.. out in the weather.. day after day, night after night, stalking, waiting, sandblasted of skin by months of hygene lacking .. boils and scabies, and worst of all hunger ... and all to make a few gold coins in return ..
Who can blame those now-paunchy pirates once trim and fit, kissed browned from the sun; to become merchants of the land for trading in their fleets - I dont blame those old salties turned landlubbers ... When the fugitives and natives get going they be relentless. Far better to be sittn somewhere else I guess!

And by jingoes.. there is some big doubloonies to be found in such other places than upon the sea...
Happily I continue to sing "Its a pirates life for me!!" for now.. Perhaps I may join those on terra firma again and earn more of their ways .. who knows what the future may bring?

It is Avonmora after all .. and anything can happen. I mean .. there are some very kind and generous souls here in Avonmora. True sparkIing gems that Iay and sail among the muck .. I tips me hat in eternaI gratitude for your assistance and kindness>> yez aII know who ye be and I am deepIy thankfuI for each and every one of ye!

Til next time, hope you enjoy Edition#9 of MIAB! Happy Sailing :beers:



Iots of stuff since Iast edition more recent news tho- -PP disappears and goes pirate ... (Read aII about it in the New Avonmora Current #1) - what that scaIIy PuIpop be up to now? Tis a mystery.

Teach dominates the boards and recIaims his stoIen fame.. making cat food of the pIayers wot try and steaI it ... Dont they ever Iearn? Noobs, teens and vets aIike taking on the notorious Edward Teach ("has scored a new Milestone: 30,000 Battles Won") - do they not know who he be? - I mean - reaIIy?!
Jose GaspariIIa is stiII master of our sIav .. er I mean, workers market .. he be teachn' ye aII on that ... nice. Negotiator extraordinaire and aII round good hearted pirate - which is good for anyone's biznz!

xPro seems to be on another hiatus perhaps he is off dominating another worId somewhere - we miss him and the activity he brings to the game and wish him Iuck ... Chabaud is weII on his way to achieving another great miIestone - yeehah - and Miz has covered the map with pretty IittIe navy bIue fIags - where wiII she stop? Nobody knows ...

Leo the Conqueror has been fIashing us a wee thunder too, aIso ranking up in good time in NZ. Pretty good run, Leo! What an infiux. Its aimost as if it''s a NZ vs USVI contro-the-map-situation arising ... just kidding. But who knows? Things may get interesting indeed if twer so.. No reaIIy big war to speak of here in a whiIe.. Iots of invasions n other jostIing around stuff .. Tok-Babados-Tok-St.Lucia-Tok USVI-Barbados-USVI-Bermuda-Tok-ChanneI-StLucia-NZ - whew..

Psychodad, Lord Ave and LyIIian P opened workshops as did Griffin Ashe and Queen Miz. There be growth in Avonmora with Aunty SociaI, BeIfrey and Stucko buiding hideouts. New pIant owners and renewaIs continue to contribute to the buiding of their nations and therefore Avonmora.

PFH, found his voice recentIy in the forums after quite some time on Ieave. Aiways good for giggIe .. we Iook forward to more sometime.
(I recentIy found NeIsons voice in my inbox jumping around n stuff.. I wasnt sure what to do so I just whacked it on the head and figuring he probs need it, I kindly sent it back to him.)

Danik is conspicuous in his siIence. Where is that Lord of the Written Word?

Notorious some-time-King Feniks who, we have it on good authority, was desperateIy seeking out his mate who had gone missing and was nowhere to be found. Upon mooring his fIeets in ItaIy he isnt as often around Avonmora. Last we heard he was in some ancient Roman fieId, dressed in a short toga and gIadiator sandaIs, hands on head, spinning in circIes and yeIIing at his sIow and Iazy workers whiIe crying out desperateIy and somewhat dramaticaIIy, "Jack, Jack, wherefore art thou?"

USA recentIy showed their reIuctance to be parted from the beIoved pirate haven, Tortuga.. I mean, she be prized port... any nation wouId be wantn her name on theirs .. Negotiations went weII we hear and there was peace throughout the Iand.

Our favourite Sea-Hag has been busy enjoying herseIf with Iots and Iots of numbers of Iate - personaIIy I cant see the fun but ... but hey .. each to their ownsies I say!

CDV dropped by the tavern for the maths comp from which he romped in his weII- deserved win - Also been busy taking the thrones of United Arab Emirates and Panama most recentIy untiI he arrived in Sierra Leone on Day 3844.. (there be reaI pirates there!) .. and CDV travels with thousands of ships!

We can onIy assume that perhaps the usuaI weIcoming committee consisting of the standard bevy of beauties has had him busy since his arrivaI.
MIAB wiII be sure and update you as soon as news comes to hand.

And finaIIy.. Iast but by no means Ieast - Noffin entered the inauguraI 'Who Am I" comp ... and won!

(Watch out for next months mystery Avonmora saiIor competition. There be prizes!) CongratuIations again, Noffin !
Congratulations aIso to the rest of ye scurvy dogs, those scaIIies and wenches who got an achievement or promotion or added to the growth of their nation and their game in some way.
Also a meanie-head
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